AMS opening camping facilities to Idalia evacuees

Atlanta Motor Speedway Photo

People in the path of Hurricane Idalia can seek refuge at Atlanta Motor Speedway, which is once again opening up its facility to storm evacuees.

The speedway, which is equipped to host thousands of guests across its facility for its marquee NASCAR races and other events throughout the year, will provide camping space free of charge for dry camping in its Unreserved RV campground. A limited number of camping spaces with water, power and sewer will also be available to evacuees for a nominal fee of $35 per night.

“Anyone who is looking to get out of the path of Idalia is welcome to stay with us here at AMS. With hundreds of acres of campgrounds and supporting infrastructure, our facility is well equipped to help in times of need,” said AMS Executive Vice President and General Manager Brandon Hutchison. “That’s why we’ve made a habit of working hand-in-hand with Henry County Emergency Management for more than a decade to lend a helping hand for situations like this.”

Over the years Atlanta Motor Speedway has utilized its events space numerous times to accommodate storm evacuees. Most notably during Hurricane Irma in 2017, the Speedway hosted more than 100 campers; in 2018 and 2019 dozens more stayed in the Speedway’s camping areas during Hurricanes Florence, Michael, and Dorian.

Storm evacuees arriving at AMS from GA Highway 20 and Lower Woolsey Road should enter the facility at Entrance “H”, turn right onto Richard Petty Boulevard, turn left into Entrance “G” and continue to the Unreserved RV Campground. Evacuees arriving via US Highway 19/41 will enter at Entrance “E” and continue to the Unreserved RV Campground. 

Anyone looking to secure full hook-up camping should call the AMS ticket office at 770-946-4211 to reserve a space during business hours.

For on-site assistance or directions, visit the ticket office/gift store building. For more information, contact Atlanta Motor Speedway at (770) 946-4211 or visit


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